Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Just to recap what I'm going to be doing here this semester. I'm still looking for an object that will be appealing to me, which can be made into a similar series like "Headlights" (my last one). I am going to continue my experimenting with the motion images that everyone seemed to comment about (the colors and lines). Also I'd like to try the flashlight graffiti and maybe some night time landscapes. I do plan on going into Cleveland, Toledo, or Akron when I find free time that I can do this. If anyone has any suggestions as to good places to photograph at night, I will be happy to take pictures of them. Thanks.

1 comment:

spoonful of sugar said...

depending on what you're going for, you might even want to try doing some 'practice' photos in your own room with a cell phone, flashlight, etc. to get some of those "night light" effects. this way you can experiment w/ shapes & timing exposures so that when you make your photo 'trips' you can really be productive!