Saturday, September 6, 2008


There are certain things mother nature provides that's just sublime. A thunderstorm is one thing that I feel is awesome. The power, speed, timing, and sight of the thunderstorm is just amazing. The powerful rain that pours down. The speed they travel, and the timing when they arrive is cool too. But the sight is what gets me. I grew up in the flat terrain of northwest Ohio, and you can see a thunderstorm coming from a second story window. The massive size and colors of the light hitting the top (from the sun) is breath taking. The lightning that strikes down and the thunderous bangs across the get big's almost indescribable, the power and beauty of a thunderstorm.

I just bought my new camera the other day, of which I'm really excited about. Can't wait to shoot a nice thunderstorm, or sunset.


A Girl Can Always Dream said...

Hi Mark. Nice to read about your observations. I especially like when you talk about being able to spot a thunderstorm coming from a second story window. It really paints a picture in my head.

I will be checking blogs every Sunday evening for sure so keep blogging and I'll check back soon!


spoonful of sugar said...

yay for new cameras- good luck shooting!